Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Blog 5: Project Reflection and Working EQ

 1.The Pentagon:
Positive Statement: What positive thing happen as a result of what you have completed so far?

  • Since I have been working with Habitat for Humanity, which is a non-profit organization that provides qualified low income families with decent, safe and affordable housing. I have seen the effects of how the organization changes families’ lives for the better. On that note I recently had the ability to work on a construction site in Rancho Cucamonga. The Rancho Cucamonga house was given to a Mother and her two kids; it was such a price-less experience to actually get to meet the family and see their gratitude and zeal for all the volunteers who worked on the house, and seeing the house itself. In addition I was able to gain a basic knowledge and skills of working on a construction site. This will in turn help my future as a pursuing Architect to connect more with the construction manager, when a problem arises in a project. Having a good relationship with the construction manager can enable an Architect and a Construction Manger to easily resolve an issue in changes of a design, etc.
2. EQ Content:  Pick a piece of research or your interview.  How has it helped you improve your understanding of your topic?
  • During my interview with my mentor Monica, I remember a key fact that imprinted in my mind. In fact it was a realization that struck me, of how much the user of a building is impacted by any structure. Even though the general public isn't really aware of how much they are affected by architecture throughout their daily lives; the user in a sense is affected by the function of the building, its safety, and the design/ layout in which affects the mood of the user. As a result my interview has helped me to become more aware of my surroundings in how I view architecture around my daily life. For example when you look at a building, you have to see through eyes of an architect and look at how the building is positioned with the ground, lined up with the streets, and connects with the sky and surrounding foliage.
3. What has worked for you so far in the senior project?
  • Being able to find great sources has helped enrich my understanding of Architecture. Keeping this in mind, I was able to find reliable sources online such as articles and p.d.f. as well as books; that have open my mind to a new view Architecture. In addition my mentor Monica is a family friend so she was willing to help answer any questions about Architecture that needed any clarifying. Monica has also introduced me to getting familiar with my surroundings and to recognize Architecture in my neighborhood.

4. What hasn't worked so far? 
  • Throughout the summer it was very difficult to find a mentor I had contacted places locally, but there were no openings in their mentorship department. My mentor Monica had also offered to put in a good word for me at an Architecture firm; although the firm was in down town LA so the distance is about an hour drives from my house. In the end I was able to contact ACE Mentorship, and they were glad to let me join their Pasadena Team at Marshall High School starting on Sept. 19th.
5. Finding Value:         -What is a potential question you would like to study this year?  (working EQ)
  • A potential question I would like to study for my senior project would be “How can a licensed Architect set their-self apart from other competitive Architects, in order to better their community?”
        -What do you plan to do for mentorship?
  • For mentorship I would like to visit architectural monuments and be able to analyze specific details with other students who are pursuing Architecture as well. In addition I also look forward to connecting and working with other students my age who are pursuing Architecture, Engineering, and Construction and being able to hear out their opinions on how to execute a project to fit the a client’s needs/desires.   



  1. Your mentorship sounds great! How did you hear about it? You'll have to keep me posted on how it works for you this year. There generally aren't mentorship departments at businesses. The closest you'll find is asking if they hire interns (although few places hire high schoolers). Usually, mentorships are arranged on a person to person basis. For your EQ: How can a licensed architect best set herself apart from the competition? or What is the best way for an architect to better (their community...is probably too broad) a socio-economically disadvantaged area (or an urban area)...you could think of some other ones, too. Once you clear one with me, you'll want to put it up at the top of your blog.

  2. Also, you need to give your links to the WB and hours titles. It will look a lot more professional.
